Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I haven't posted on this blog in awhile. If you follow that picture link below to Mckmamas website you will see that Stellan had a pretty rough time of it but he had another ablation and is 100% normal praise God for his miracles and blessings!

As far as I go things are pretty much the same, my kids are growing up so fast! I am going to have a teenager soon! ( I think he has already started ) Connor is in kindergarden and loving it!!!! I will post pics soon!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prayers for Stellan

Please pray for this family, lift them up. God works miracles and little Stellan is a Miracle!

Life is sometimes so hard

I have had a tough year so far, there are so many things going on in my life and the life of my family! I must place my faith in my God but I have been struggling in my relationship with him.

I don't know what it is I can't place my finger on it but I have been struggling. I love my God and I am a daughter of the most high first and formost but still I struggle.

I know that this is just a bump in the road of my faith, I am human and along with that goes mistakes and sin but no matter how I feel God is in control! He knows where I am going even if I don't see the road for the fog! He is my light and he will guild me out of dark places!

I have witnessed so many miracles in my life. Time and Time again I am lifted when even I feel like I don't deserve it, I sometimes give up on myself but he doesn't give up on me! Praise him!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

In between . . .

I always feel like I am "in between". I'm not even sure how to describe it. I feel pulled in different directions all the time. I feel like my life wants me to do so many things but I don't know how i would find the time. I am going to let you in on a little secret that I find hard to say to anyone, sometimes I think that it is silly but here it goes;

When I was 10 years old I read a book called "Alex the life of a child" it is about a little girl with a genetic disease called Cystic Fibrosis. I cried and cried and cried over the trials that this little girl went through. Her strength her courage and the courage of her parents.

This book that I read when I was a child made me want to become a Dr. with a speciality in CF*. I wanted this more than anything, I wanted to ease sufferenig to help these childern lead happy and healthy lives. I still want it however...

I let life stop me from being what I wanted. I grew up the hard way I won't elaborate as I am not ready to put that out for the world to see but I didn't go school and start on the path I was so sure as a child I would follow.

Now don't get me wrong, I am married to the most wonderful man on the earth and I have 2 beautiful boys who are everything to me. My life after I was incontrol of it has been nothing but a blessing. My god is and has always been good to me.

But I still have a need to help this cause. I don't know how though I have never been directly affected by CF* no one in my family has it, no one I know has it, but this disease weighs heavy on my heart.

I want to volunteer to help but I feel like people will this it odd because I have not been personally affected by CF.

Oh well, I am, as always conflicted but my always present God will show me the way as he has always done.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Random thoughts from an overworked mind!

Ok, I get home today and am all excited to put up my Halloween decorations as it October 1st after all. My husband worked late though and apparently Night Rider is more important than my decorations, sooo enthusiasm curbed, I must wait for Michael Knight to ride into the sunset with Kit before hubby will go get the stuff out of the attic. . . . sigh.

I usually am that crazy person that goes all out with my decorations and things, Halloween, Christmas, Labor Day you name it I decorate for it! I love putting up but hate taking down, call me crazy but pulling down Christmas lights is no fun in my book so I let hubby do that part :).

Here are some pictures of my babies from 2004:

This is my baby his first Halloween (2004), Hes pretty cute if I do say so myself

This is my oldest that same Halloween, looks just like his daddy here!

Ahhh memory lane, I miss them when they were this young, but every day is a new adventure with these two and their shenanagains! They keep my laughing and they keep me humble that is for sure! It upsets me that I have had to work and I have missed so much that I will never get back but it makes me feel good that I am able to provide them with everything they need. I didn't have that growing up but that is a post for another day.
Thank you for joining me in my randomness! See you on this side of sanity again soon!


1st time blogging

Well, I have been thinking about starting a blog for quite a while now and I am going to plundge in and just do it!

I have 2 beautiful boys 10 and 4 and they keep me happy and insane! Just the way I like it! I love to craft am learning to sew and I work fulltime. I stay pretty busy with my home and work life making sure to fit in family time with the hubby and the kids.

This blog will be about my thoughts, accomplishments and anything else I want to share! Stay tuned you are in for a roller coaster of a ride!!!!